Commodore’s Cruise – Vaughn Bay

September 27, 2024 – September 29, 2024 all-day
Vaughn Bay
Monitoring VHF Channel: 72
Distance from Olympia: 19.5 NM

Friday PM Low Tide (Vaughn)

22:33 (6.0 ft)
Sunday AM Low Tide (Vaughn): 10:29 (1.1 ft)

**Cautious of the low tides with this cruise.

Potluck Dinner ashore:                      Saturday 1800

The fall starts off with the traditional “Commodores’ Cruise” at Vaughn Bay on Case Inlet. Potluck will begin Saturday at 1800. If this is your first trip to Vaughn Bay, be sure to turn to the South and parallel the spit after entering the bay.

But not too soon! A big gravelly bar on your starboard just inside the spit bulges out for about 10 yards! 200 yards after that, another shoal juts out from the shore on your port side.

While there are shallow spots in the bay, particularly along the northern shore, the entry is pretty easy.  If in doubt, follow another cruiser in or hail the other SS cruisers on VHF Channel 72.

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