The Toliva Shoal Race
40 Years

The race to Toliva Shoal was first run 40 years ago, in 1971, the first year of our club. Then it was a local race. The next year we invited the Tacoma and Seattle sailors to come race. A couple years later we helped create the Southern Sound Series and this was our Series race.

The Race put our new club on the map, at least as far as the racing community was concerned. We soon got a reputation for our food. But believe me, what we ate in the 1970’s does not hold a candle to the dinner now.

Besides the food, our visitors say they like narrow passages, sailing close to shore, with tricky currents. It is a type of sailing they do not get further north.

The Race has been run 39 times over the past 40 years. It was canceled one year due to snow. So this is either the 41st Race, or 40th running of the Race, or the 39th Invitational Race. Depends on how you count.

Come be a part of SSSS history. Race Toliva Shoal.
