Here are comments on Reciprocal Clubs, collected from the Reciprocal Awards entries.
Bill Arney & Pati Stewart, Janus
Mark Johnson, Sol~Lys
Bill Arney & Pati Stewart, Janus :
Friday Harbor: A great way to slip into a busy port. No welcoming committee.
Lots of company.
Nanaimo: Beautiful town, a nice place to berth before crossing the Strait.
George, longtime caretaker, is most accommodating. He will sometimes slot you into a
member's slip, if the outside (in the wash of the channel) is crowded.
Vancouver Rowing Club: The best facilities that we've ever visited. Friendly folks,
great facilities, and a good, short, walk to all the sights. Their rates for a third night [two
nights are free, you can stay longer] are higher than advertised in last year's Reciprocal
Guide, but we are still lucky to have the association with this place.
Mark Johnson, Sol~Lys :
Swinomish YC, La Conner: The caretaker lives on a large powerboat at the guest
moorage. He came out in the rain to help us tie up. I told him I needed to use a phone
and he invited me aboard to use his. He helped me find what I was looking for.