South Sound Sailing Society Ship-to-Shore : October 2002

Letter: Fishing Vancouver’s West Side

This last July, I went up to Esperanza Inlet, on the West coast of Vancouver Island, for five glorious days of fishing and relaxing. I went up with a fishing buddy I have known for 5 years. He has a 24 foot Sea Sport boat with a 150 hp outboard for traveling and a 15 hp outboard for fishing. The boat is decked out with all the toys that can pinpoint right where you are at all times, which is nice when the fog rolls in.

Anyway, we put in at Gold River, near Nootka Sound, and ran 42 miles up to the fish camp through some of the most beautiful country you will ever see. We passed by three small villages and a couple of fish farms along the way. That is it for population.

The first morning out we spotted a mother gray whale and her calf swimming amongst the rock piles. They did not bother us and we did not bother them. Several times they came close enough to the boat that we could see the barnicles on her back and get some good pictures.

The fishing was outstanding, with yours truly bringing home three kings avenging 25 lb. each and two silvers around 9 albs each. Altogether, I put away about 50-60 lbs of salmon in the freezer. My partner did almost as well as I did. We caught many more, but had to release them due to a change in the catch regulations about half way into our trip. We hated to have to leave such a paridise and come home. We will go up again next year.

Bill Brosius, Starseeker

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