South Sound Sailing Society Ship-to-Shore : Summer 1999

Letters :
Death of a Sailor

Dr. Joe Dubey and Uncle Juicy are now separated by eternity as Joe passed away on June 19. Joe and his crews took great pleasure in racing, cruising, simply messing around in the hole in the water that the boat occupied. The following gives some insight into his love affair with his Cal 40.

“Sometime during the year of 1992, I [Joe] began to entertain the notion of racing from Victoria to Maui with my very own boat. After all, this is what Cal 40s are suppose to be designed for. I was curious as to what I was suppose to be designed for. Everyone said, ‘It is the experience of a life time!’”

Joe figured he could make it O.K. as long as he did not add up the costs. He proceeded to log an account of the entire first adventure to Maui, from preparation to return. It is a great story. Joe was a very good story teller and comic, among his other skills. Crew members from that voyage have copies of that account.
One of those beautiful moments in time was captured on the video of the 1994 return trip. Joe became very poetic, with some comedy thrown in. The sunset was spectacular and Uncle Juicy was loafing along at an easy pace. That video is available to any Member that wishes to review it.

A second voyage to Maui was undertaken in 1998, with a faster bottom and less weight in the boat. Juicy was a little more lively. With the extra work Joe had done to her bottom, $$$, she was definitely faster. Even without new sails. The results show it, second in class, sixth overall.
Understandably, now there is little record of the preparations and the voyage itself. But ask any of the crew in ’98. They will have a clear recollection of the thrills and beauty of it to relate to you.

Many of us will miss him dearly. But Joe left us with a rich collection of memories to carry with us the rest of our lives.
Thank you Joe. May God bless you in heaven.

Bill Maclean, Savage

Joe has not been well since returning from Maui last year. He did a lot with and for our Club and he had a lot of friends here. He has already been missed.
Beth, his wife, is still very much with us. Our thoughts are with her.

Both Joe and Beth have written for us in the past. I though you might like to reread their adventures. We have Joe in his own words, and what Beth and Bill Maclean had to say about him under more pleasant circumstances.

Bill Maclean has donated a trophy to SSSS, in memory of Joe. It is to be a perpetual trophy, awarded to the boat that improves the most over a season. Details to be worked out at an RC meeting.


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