Inside Advantage

Glen Hunter’s photo on the first page of the March S-t-S captured an interesting situation for us on McSwoosh, the leeward boat with a blue A sail. There were four boats rounding from Budd to Dana. Dragonfly, not in photo, was the most windward and very close to shore at Dolfermeyer Point. Our outside position was not good, being blanketed by two taller boats. Although we were leeward and had rights, we thought shore room would trump that. So we had limited choices to consider: continue on in the blanket and hope to get our bow out as we made the turn up into Dana, or head down to try to gain space enough to get cleaner air. Both of these seemed to be too passive and low percentage for positive results.

After a lively yet whispered discussion so Salty Dog's crew wouldn't hear, we decided to do a quick dive down to gain space between us and de-trim to slow a tad to allow us room to take their stern. We ;made a swing behind her then sheeted back in to a hard reach for speed and windward position. After the initial maneuver we found the sheeted in swoop gave us additional speed so we held on to it just to gain that little more to windward and speed to burn off as we came down to our desired heading.

The results: Dragonfly nicely ahead; McSwoosh to weather of Salty and going fast enough to pass her. Circus continued farther out toward to middle. All that for a couple of boat lenghts then but it grew to more ( for a while; Circus got us by a boat or so at the finish line).
Great photos Glen.

Clark McPhearson, McSwoosh
