March SSSS General Meeting

March 14, 2023 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Olympia Yacht Club
201 Simmons St. NW Olympia

Share a Sailing Story of Disaster, Recovery, or Success

SSSS March 14 General Meeting

“I dove into the water and saw the line wrapped around my prop. After crawling out of the water, I heard the ferry’s five blasts to our starboard…” Or, “the engine just died and after repeated attempts, failed to start.  We had been bouncing on the incoming swells in the Strait of Juan de Fuca for hours and the little critters in the bottom of the diesel tank must have clogged our fuel filters. Dang…”

The March 14th General Meeting of the South Sound Sailing Society will feature stories told by our members of the joys, trials, and adventures they have experienced in the Salish Sea and beyond on their sailboats.  We will have an open mike in which we will invite YOU and other members to share some of the fabulous times – and scary times – you have encountered when out sailing.  And, also we’d love to hear how one can prevent the bad times from happening again.

So, come to share a story or two, bring a photo or two on a thumb-drive to help illustrate it (not required), and spend 3-5 minutes sharing it with the group.  We’ll also have a chance to share stories around the tables.

Meeting Details

The meeting will be in-person at the Olympia Yacht Club located at 201 Simmons St. NW. We will not have a Zoom option.

Doors will open at 6:30 pm and the meeting will begin at 7:00 pm. The meeting is open to both members and non-members, so invite your crew, dock mates, neighbors, and others who are interested in sailing.

Non-OYC members may park in the parking lot on the corner of Simmons and 4th Ave, which is to the east of the Bayview parking lot.

We hope to see you there.