Equinox Cruise – Frye Cove at Flapjack Point in Eld Inlet

March 22, 2025 – March 23, 2025 all-day

March’s cruise location will be easy to reach by boat or car, so mark your calendars for March 22-23.  We will be convening at 4:30 on Saturday at Frye Cove in Eld Inlet for happy hour, followed by a potluck at 5:00 in the picnic shelter that we have reserved.  Come early so that you can enjoy the many hiking trails around the picnic area.  There is a rest room with running water, and plenty of parking.  

This will be a celebration of the March equinox, so we can look forward to the days being longer than the nights for the next six months.

Frye Cove is a lovely spot, with a good anchorage in the bight north of Flapjack Point.  Bring your dinghy so you can row ashore.  There is no need to worry about the currents in Dana since we will be heading west from Boston Harbor but do be mindful of the shallow spit off the end of Cooper Point both coming and going.  It probably won’t be an issue for anyone since low tide on Friday is at 5:30 in Boston Harbor, but still….You don’t want to be the one who goes aground there.