Fleet Captain – Patrick McLaughlin
First Mate – Jim Findley
Secretary – David Geeraerts
Treasurer – Darris Baldridge
Race Chair – Chris Reitz
Outreach Coordinator – Meagan Murphy RossPART I – BYLAWS OF THE BUDD INLET STAR FLEET
The name of this organization shall be the Budd Inlet Star Fleet, hereinafter called “BISF.”
BISF was formed to provide a fun atmosphere for sailing at a reasonable cost to the participants. The intent is to avoid the normal “arms race” that can occur when competitive people look for that edge in the boat and equipment. BISF intends to foster safe, fun, inexpensive and competitive sailboat racing.
Membership to BISF is open to any individual interested in the art and science of sailing and racing Stars. Including, but not limited to Star owners, Crew, Someone who is interested in Stars, and people who like sailors. Voting on fleet business is limited to one vote per boat.
It is “suggested” that at least one member of the crew or owners of a Star boat be a member of South Sound Sailing Society (SSSS). Although this is not mandatory, SSSS provides support for fleet activities and is not expensive to join, so why be a skin flint? We will try to shame you into joining if you are not a member.
It is “encouraged” that the members of BISF join International Star Class Yacht Racing Association (ISCYRA), but is not mandatory to participate in fleet racing. In order to maintain our fleet status we need a minimum of 3 boats registered with the ISCYRA, and 8 boats are required to send a representative to the Worlds. If we are having trouble meeting the minimum requirements, someone may be knocking on your door to collect dues.
Section 1 – The elected officers shall be Fleet Captain, Secretary, Treasurer, and Race Chair. A member may be elected to, and hold one or more of the offices during a given year, but shall have only one vote on fleet business.
Section 2 – The term of office shall be from April 1 through March 31.
Section 3 – Duties:
A. Fleet Captain: Shall preside at all meetings of the organization, casting a vote only in case of a tie, and shall be responsible for the efficient operation and good order of the organization. In the case of absence the Fleet Captain may designate another Officer to preside over meetings.
B. Treasurer: Shall keep all financial and property records in coordination with SSSS; shall account for, receive and dispense all monies; shall submit two financial statements to the Star-Board per annum.
C. Secretary: Shall keep minutes of all meetings and shall maintain and preserve all records, reports and documents of the organization, and shall be responsible for gathering nominations and publicizing the slate of officers for election.
D. Race Chair: Shall be responsible for organizing and conducting the annual racing program of the organization.
Section 1 – Officers: The Star-Board shall consist of the elected officers.
Section 2 – Duties:
The control and conduct of the business of BISF shall be vested in its Star-Board, which shall:
A. Set and publish the dates of meetings.
B. Approve all expenditures made by the Treasurer on behalf of BISF.
C. Act on a request of the membership to recall a member of the Star-Board. The request shall be made by petition signed by twenty percent or more of the membership. An affirmative vote of all the other board members shall serve as recommendation to the membership for its action. A two-thirds affirmative vote of the membership is required to recall a board member.
Section 1 – The Fleet Captain shall nominate the Chair and any other members of the Technical Committee and any special committees with the approval of the Star-Board. All committees shall serve at the pleasure of the Star-Board.
Section 2 – The Technical Committee shall decide all questions of the interpretation of the Fleet Rules of Part II. The decisions of the Technical Committee are final.
Section 1 – Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern the conduct of all meetings. Email serves as notice as required in these bylaws
Section 2 – The annual meeting shall be held by the end March, notice of which shall be sent at least ten days prior thereto.
Section 3 – Other meetings may be called by the Star-Board provided that at least ten days notice of the purpose and date of such meeting is made to the members.
Section 4 – A petition to the Star-Board of twenty percent or more of the members to hold a special meeting shall be recognized by the Star-Board and a meeting shall be called in a timely manner.
Section 5 – Quorum:
A. The members present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum.
B. A quorum at a special meeting shall be as in Article VII, Section 5A except that in addition, the presence of at least one Star-Board member shall be required.
Section 1 – Elections shall be held at the annual meeting.
Section 2 – Nominations for office may be made any member and publicized by the Secretary to the fleet at least 5 days prior to the annual meeting.
Section 3 – No person may be nominated without his/her consent.
Section 4 – Voting shall be by voice vote unless an office is contested, in which case voting shall be by paper ballot for the contested office.
Section 5 – In the event that there is no nominee for an office, a majority of the Star-Board may appoint a member to serve in that position, provided, however, that the member has given his/her consent.
Section 6 – If an officer is unable to fulfill his/her term, a majority of the Star-Board may appoint a successor to complete his/her term.
These bylaws shall be adopted and may be amended by two-third affirmative vote of the members present at any meeting, provided that proposed amendments hereto have been sent, together with notice of the meeting, to each member at least ten days prior to the meeting.
Section 1 – BSIF may be dissolved by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership by written ballot following thirty days notice of such action.
Section 2 – Any and all assets shall be distributed according to the discretion of the Star-Board.
Racing is open to any “Star boat”, meaning a boat assigned a hull number by the I.S.C.Y.R.A. and deemed by the BISF Technical Committee not to have been significantly modified.
Section 1 – BISF Star Definition
BISF Stars are defined as follows:
1. Shall have hull number less than 7100.
2. Sails shall have at least one season of use before they are used in a BISF sanctioned event. The Technical Committee shall be the sole judge of the acceptability of all sails.
3. The position of mast butt shall not be adjusted during a race. It shall be fixed at the step by means deemed acceptable by the Technical Committee.
4. The shroud position or tension shall not be adjusted during a race. The Technical Committee shall be the sole judge of the legality of the rigging.
5. A boat shall not be hauled out during the racing season, except for needed repair or to race in another location. Bottom paint must be approved by the Technical Committee.
Section 2 – Divisions
When attendance warrants, the fleet may be divided, by hull number, construction material, crew experience/composition, or in any other manner that the members of the Fleet thinks fair and fun, and scored in those divisions. This could include a division(s) for newer Stars not conforming to the definition of a BISF Star, Section 1 above.
Section 3 – Requirements
Each vessel shall carry the following:
1. Bow numbers are required to race in BISF races. The numbers are assigned by the Technical Committee, which shall be the sole judge of the size and placement. Sail numbers are not required to match the hull number. The boats will be identified by bow number only.
2. Coast Guard approved life jackets for each member of the crew. Inflatable life jackets will be permitted if they are worn on the outside of all clothing including foul weather gear.
3. Anchor large enough to hold a Star in place on Budd Inlet, with a minimum of 60′ of line.
4. Sound Signaling Devise (whistle or horn).
5. Paddle
6. Bailing bucket or pump.
Section 4 – BISF Season Championship
The fleet will award a Season Championship yearly. It will be based on scores from a wide sampling of the year’s races and scored as described in the sailing instructions and approved at the annual meeting by the fleet members.
Section 5 – Fleet Representative to the Worlds
The fleet will select our representative(s) to the Star Worlds at least one month before the Worlds start. The selection will be made based on a Skipper’s performance in the Season Championship Series, or some other series of races so designated in our sailing instructions and approved at the annual meeting by the fleet members. Such a series shall consist of at least five days of racing with our fleet. Our representative will be the highest placing Skipper(s) who is qualified and willing to go.
Section 6 – Sailing Instructions
The sailing instructions for the conduct of BISF racing are contained in Appendix 1. They may be modified as required by the Race Chair. The Sailing Instructions will be updated yearly and posted on our web site at least a week before the first race of the year. The most current version of our Sailing Instructions will be posted on our web site at least two days before any race; this supersedes all earlier versions, including those published in the SSSS Handbook.