In front of the South Sound Sailing Society at the September General Meeting Erik Dahl, on behalf of the Budd Inlet Star Fleet 27 Fleet members in attendance, presented Fleet Captain Bill Brosius a proclamation. With this document we proudly proclaim the following to all who care to hear:
In recognition of invaluable service to the Budd Inlet Star Fleet including the following major contributions:
Bringing one design racing to Olympia.
Choosing a boat design with age and equipment limitations to control costs and thereby making the sport of sailboat racing open to all.
Traveling far and wide to acquire Stars and their equipment and returning them safely to the Olympia area for the use of others.
Constructing and equipping a large work shop on his property to refurbish boats in need of repair.
Rebuilding, repairing, painting and equipping said boats to a race ready condition.
Making his workshop and equipment available for others to repair their Stars.
Arranging for inexpensive moorage during the summer racing season at West Bay Marina.
Arranging for the use of a crane to transfer the boats onto the waters at West Bay Marina.
Providing the use of his runabout as race committee boat.
Continuing to assist in the ongoing maintenance and repair of boats damaged by the improper sailing technique of their wayward skippers. So let it be known far and wide that we the sailors of the Olympia Star Fleet do hereby recognize William Brosius as LORD of the Olympia STARS and that all rights and privileges of that high office be granted to Lord Bill up to and including one free beer.
In addition it has been noted that Lord Bill has many times expressed his annoyance at the unfortunate positioning of roof support posts in the center of his royal workshop. These offending posts impede Lord Bill’s ability to move his beloved Stars about the shop causing him to become annoyed. This condition is unacceptable to his loyal subjects. Therefore these posts will be removed and replaced with a steel beam transversing said shop aloft from wall to wall. This construction will occur sometime this winter while Lord Bill is resting from his afore mentioned labors.
Thanks Bill.
The Budd Inlet Star Fleet