Join Us for the Halloween Cruise!
The Halloween Cruise will be held at the Longbranch Marina in Filucy Bay October 28, 29, and 30. This is a fun event with activities, games, prizes, and good food. The Longbranch Marina has nice docks with power and water. Moorage is $1.25 per foot per night. There will be people on the dock to help catch lines and make docking easy.
We like to stern-tie our boats against the main dock. This helps us accommodate more boats in the marina, as we sometimes fill the place up. If you are not able to board your boat over the stern, you can still join the stern-tie and access the dock through a neighbor’s boat, or take one of the linear side-tie spots. We will make room for everyone! We will monitor VHF Channel 68 for those who wish to contact us as they approach the dock.
Those who arrive Friday are invited to a happy hour on the dock that may include decorating the pavilion. Saturday afternoon activities will include boat decorating, a pumpkin carving contest, and several fun games. Saturday evening will include trick-or-treating, a potluck dinner and awards ceremony with awards for the best decorated boat, the best costume, and the best carved pumpkin.
Members and guests are encouraged to wear costumes to the potluck. We also want to see your best Halloween decorations on your boat. Come prepared to have fun!
Things to bring:
- A potluck dish for the Saturday evening meal
- Beverages for your Saturday dinner
- Your own table service (plates, cups, silverware…)
- Costumes and boat decorations (optional)
- Happy Hour beverages and snacks (optional)
- Waffle toppings for Sunday breakfast
- Lawn Chair (optional, just in case our crowd outnumbers our chairs)
- Treats (for trick-or-treaters)
- Boat decorations
There will be a waffle breakfast provided on Sunday morning. Our cooks this year will be Mary Campbell, Richard Bigley, and anyone they recruit to help them. If you have a creative waffle topping that you would like to add to the menu, please bring it with you.
The journey to Longbranch is 15 nautical miles. You will find a favorable current in Dana Passage from 9:30 AM until 3:00 PM on Friday, and from 10:45 AM until 4 PM on Saturday. The evening flood current is light, so it should be an easy trip in any tide. There are several back eddies on the southwest shore of Dana Passage that can help you sneak out if the tide is flooding.
There will be a light ebb tide against us in Dana Passage for the trip home on Sunday afternoon, unless you wait for the flood tide around 5:00 PM. Hold your course near the northwest shore along Harstine Island to avoid the current in Dana Passage.
It greatly helps us with our planning if you let us know you are coming. Please RSVP to to let us know if you are coming, and to let us know if you are bringing children.
Here is our plan for docking at Longbranch Marina. Back in to the main dock and stern tie. We will try to put those who can’t get off their transoms on one of the side-tie positions.
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