2024-25 Race Committee Duty Roster

2024-25 Race Committee Duty Roster

Each boat that intends to race should volunteer for RC duty on Transition one time during the 2024-2025 season. Volunteers should include 2 members of your crew. Plan to meet at the RC boat well ahead of the first start.

Please add your name to the volunteer roster. Or, email the race chair at  to let us know what date you want.

2024 McAllister Creek Race

PHRF SSSS Inlet Series Race 4 – April 6, 2024, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm

Volunteer for Race Committee for this Race! Contact the Race Chair at

Full SSSS PHRF Sailing Instructions (pdf) – See appendix B, Distance Races

McAllister Creek Race

April 6, 2024

Course as marked is approximate. Green outbound, red inbound.

Short Course Long Course
17.0 n.m. 23.5 n.m.

Both courses start and finish between the Committee Boat and Olympia Shoal.

Long Course: To be sailed by Class 1. Leave Government mark No. 3 off
Nisqually Delta to port.

Short Course: To be sailed by Class 2. Leave SSSS drop mark near Zittle’s,
north of Baird Cove to port.

Either race can be shortened at the Itsami Ledge mark either on the way out or
back, to be signaled by an RC boat anchoring by the mark and flying code flag S.
Then finish between the RC boat and the Itsami Ledge mark.

2024 Skookum Inlet Race

PHRF SSSS Inlet Series Race 3 – March 9, 2024, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm

Volunteer for Race Committee for this Race! Contact the Race Chair at

Full SSSS PHRF Sailing Instructions (pdf) – See appendix B, Distance Races

Skookum Inlet Race

March 9, 2024

Transition was the RC Boat. Emma Lee and Scarlett were Mark Boats. Thank you.

Div. 1 Start Time: 10:00   Distance: 23.4 nm
                                                     Finish   Corrected  Course   
Points Sail No. Yacht Name     Yacht Type     Rating Time     Time       Time     
  0.75       33 GRU            CORS 300           48 12:56:35 12:37:52   2:56:35
  2.00    73392 BODACIOUS      BENE 35 S5        129 13:32:27 12:42:08   3:32:27
  3.00    38044 MAKO           SYD 38             39 13:07:41 12:52:28   3:07:41
  4.00       79 RUFUS          MEL                93 13:30:48 12:54:32   3:30:48
  5.00     5165 RAVEN'S HAVEN  ARCONA 380         66 13:25:37 12:59:53   3:25:37
  6.00       35 ANGEL EYES     J99                78 13:32:57 13:02:32   3:32:57
  7.00    69399 FLYING CIRCUS  EXPR 37            72 13:33:38 13:05:33   3:33:38
  8.00    61733 ZIVA                              57 13:38:19 13:16:05   3:38:19
  9.00       12 PAX                              -10 13:12:41 13:16:35   3:12:41
 10.00    69432 SHAKA          HOB33              96      DNF                  

Div. 2 Start Time: 09:35   Distance: 16.6 nm
                                                     Finish   Corrected  Course   
Points Sail No. Yacht Name     Yacht Type     Rating Time     Time       Time     
  0.75    63337 DASH           BEN 345           135 12:26:40 11:49:19   2:51:40
  2.00    50105 JOLLY RUMBALOW C&C 34            135 12:28:37 11:51:16   2:53:37
  3.00    69804 REIFF          J35C              123 12:25:30 11:51:28   2:50:30
  4.00    79182 FOLIE A DEUX   BENE 35 S5        132 12:33:51 11:57:20   2:58:51
  5.00    39110 KOOSAH         PEAR 36-1         177 12:58:26 12:09:28   3:23:26
  6.00      381 YONDER STAR    CAT 320           171 12:58:13 12:10:54   3:23:13

Course as marked is approximate. Green outbound, red inbound.

2024 Henderson Inlet Race

PHRF SSSS Inlet Series Race 2 – February 3, 2024, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm

Volunteer for Race Committee for this Race! Contact the Race Chair at

Full SSSS PHRF Sailing Instructions (pdf) – See appendix B, Distance Races

Henderson Inlet Race

February 3, 2024

Transition was RC Boat. Thank you.

No Wind : No Race

2023-24 Race Committee Duty Roster

2023-24 Race Committee Duty Roster

Each boat that participates in the Summer Series should volunteer to help with RC duty. Volunteers should include 2 members of your crew. Plan to meet at the RC boat well ahead of the first start.

Email the race chair at  to let us know what date you want.


2024 Eld Inlet Race

PHRF SSSS Inlet Series Race 1 – January 20, 2024, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm

Volunteer for Race Committee for this Race! Contact the Race Chair at

Full SSSS PHRF Sailing Instructions (pdf) – See appendix B, Distance Races

South Sound Sailing Society

Eld Inlet Race

January 20, 2024

Transition was RC Boat. Koosah was the mark boat. Thank you.

Corrected times have not been adjusted for starting differences

Div. 1   Start Time: 11:31   Distance: 6.1 nm
                                                     Finish   Corrected Course   
Points Sail No. Yacht Name     Yacht Type     Rating Time     Time      Time     
—— ——– ————– ————– —— ——– ——– ———
  0.75    38044 MAKO           SYD 38             39 14:30:32 14:26:34   2:59:32
  2.00       12 PAX                              -10 14:26:05 14:27:06   2:45:05
  3.00    18324 ROCK PAPER SCI EXPR 37            72 15:33:31 15:26:12   4:02:31
  4.00       33 GRU            CORS 300           48 15:51:15 15:46:22   4:20:15
  5.00      007 007            J 99               81      DNF                  
  5.00    69399 FLYING CIRCUS  EXPR 37            72      DNS                  
  5.00    69432 SHAKA          HOB33              96      DNF                  

Div. 2   Start Time: 11:15   Distance: 6.1 nm
                                                     Finish   Corrected Course   
Points Sail No. Yacht Name     Yacht Type     Rating Time     Time      Time     
—— ——– ————– ————– —— ——– ——– ———
  0.75    29718 AURORA         RANC 33-1         156 15:06:50 14:50:58   3:51:50
  2.00    69804 REIFF          J35C              123 15:55:27 15:42:57   4:24:27
  3.00     5421 EMMA LEE       CATA 30           225      DNF                  
  3.00    50105 JOLLY RUMBALOW C&C 34            135      DNS                  
  3.00    59924 ECHO           CATA 38           156      DNF                  
  3.00    79128 COLOR MY WORLD CATA 30           225      DNF                  
  3.00    79182 FOLIE A DEUX   BENE 35 S5        132      DNF                  


2023 Island Series Over All Scores

Squaxin Island and Eagle Island races were abandoned due to no wind, so only Herron Island and Hope Island are included in the overall scores.

South Sound Sailing Society

Island Series 2023

RC Boat : Transition.

Corrected results: 12/13/2023

No Over All in Series as the Divisions sailed different courses.
Div. 1   Races: 1 to 2
                                                     No.  Herron Hope
place Sail No. Yacht Name    Skipper Name     Rating Strt 6 Strt 10 Strt  Total
—– ——– ————- —————- —— —- —— —— ——
  1    38044 MAKO            Vannice/Cassal       39    2   3.00   0.75   3.75
  2       12 PAX             Rod Tharp           -10    2   2.00   2.00   4.00
  3       79 RUFUS           Tucker Smyth         93    2   0.75   4.00   4.75
  4    73392 BODACIOUS       J Rosenbach         129    2   4.00   3.00   7.00
  5     5165 RAVEN’S HAVEN   Aaron Schofield      66    2   5.00   4.00   9.00
  6    69432 SHAKA           Matt Niles           96    2   6.00   4.00  10.00
  7    69051 SPIRIT          Steve Jones          81    1   7.00   4.00  11.00
  7      007 007             Scott Rowley         81    1   7.00   4.00  11.00
  7    69399 FLYING CIRCUS   Dave Elliott         72    1   7.00   4.00  11.00
  7       33 GRU             Drew Phillips        48    1   7.00   4.00  11.00

Div. 2   Races: 1 to 2
                                                     No.  Herron  Hope
place Sail No. Yacht Name    Skipper Name     Rating Strt 10 Strt 7 Strt  Total
—– ——- – ————- —————- —— —- —— —— ——
  1    29718 AURORA          Chery Bideman       156    2   0.75   2.00   2.75
  2    50105 JOLLY RUMBALOW  Richard Bigley      135    2   3.00   4.00   7.00
  3    63337 DASH            Garner Miller       135    1   2.00   7.00   9.00
  4     69804 REIFF           Tom Nelson         123    1  10.00   0.75  10.75
  5    39110 KOOSAH          Dave Knowlton       177    2   6.00   5.00  11.00
  5     5421 EMMA LEE        Bob Butts           225    2   5.00   6.00  11.00
  5    79182 FOLIE A DEUX    Jeff Johnson        132    1   4.00   7.00  11.00
  8    69927 BALDER II       Myra Downing        126    1  10.00   3.00  13.00
  9    28054 DREAMTIME       Bart Maupin         135    1   7.00   7.00  14.00
 10    59924 ECHO            Steve Miller        156    1   8.00   7.00  15.00
 11    64985 LIBERTY         Andy Saller         123    1   9.00   7.00  16.00
 11    79128 COLOR MY WORLD  Mark Holt           225    1   9.00   7.00  16.00
 11      381 YONDER STAR     Gam Tibbett         171    1  10.00   6.00  16.00

2023 Hope Island Race

PHRF SSSS Winter Series Race 4 – December 9, 2023, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm

Volunteer for Race Committee for this Race! Contact the Race Chair at

Full SSSS PHRF Sailing Instructions (pdf) – See appendix B, Distance Races

Hope Island Race Instructions

Hope Island Race

December 9, 2023

Transition was the RC Boat, with help from Willie Tippit.

Mako was first Over All

Corrected times have not been adjusted for starting differences

Div. 1:   Start Time: 10:00   Distance: 13 nm
                                                     Finish   Correctd Course   
Points Sail No. Yacht Name     Yacht Type     Rating Time     Time     Time     
------ -------- -------------- -------------- ------ -------- -------- ---------
  0.75    38044 MAKO           SYD 38             39 12:32:54 12:24:27   2:32:54
  2.00       12 PAX                              -10 12:31:40 12:33:50   2:31:40
  3.00    73392 BODACIOUS      BENE 35 S5        129 14:25:44 13:57:47   4:25:44
  4.00      007 007            J 99               81      DNF                  
  4.00       33 GRU            CORS 300           48      DNF                  
  4.00       79 RUFUS          MEL                93      DNF                  
  4.00     5165 RAVEN'S HAVEN  ARCONA 380         66      DNF                  
  4.00    69051 SPIRIT         BENE 36.7          81      DNF                  
  4.00    69399 FLYING CIRCUS  EXPR 37            72      DNF                  
  4.00    69432 SHAKA          HOB33              96      DNF                  

Div. 2:   Start Time: 09:35   Distance: 13 nm
                                                     Finish   Correctd Course   
Points Sail No. Yacht Name     Yacht Type     Rating Time     Time     Time     
------ -------- -------------- -------------- ------ -------- -------- ---------
  0.75    69804 REIFF          J35C              123 13:29:34 13:02:55   3:29:34
  2.00    29718 AURORA         RANC 33-1         156 13:48:20 13:14:32   4:13:20
  3.00    69927 BALDER II      ERIC 38           126 14:43:43 14:16:25   4:43:43
  4.00    50105 JOLLY RUMBALOW C&C 34            135 14:53:24 14:24:09   5:18:24
  5.00    39110 KOOSAH         PEAR 36-1         177 15:21:59 14:43:38   5:46:59
  6.00      381 YONDER STAR    CAT 320           171      DNF                  
  6.00     5421 EMMA LEE       CATA 30           225      DNF                  

2023 Squaxin Island Race

PHRF SSSS Winter Series Race 3 – November 18, 2023, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm

Volunteer for Race Committee for this Race! Contact the Race Chair at

Full SSSS PHRF Sailing Instructions (pdf) – See appendix B, Distance Races

Squaxin Island Race Instructions

South Sound Sailing Society

Squaxin Island Race

November 18, 2023

RC Boat: Transition

Race Abandoned – No Wind